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Bellingham Order of the Saber usually host free events once a month where we meet to have a grand duel to determine the fate of the galaxy. We also hold meetings at least twice a month (usually in WWU's Academic West) to discuss the clubs future as well as have small events to keep members engaged. This sounds amazing but are the events safe? Safety is always paramount within this club! When we say duel it’s more like Tag. the rules for the duel follow the basic LARP-style combat (live action role play) when a member is tapped on the arm or leg, they lose that limb. If they are tapped on the chest they are out of the match. If a member loses three limbs they’re out of the match. HEADSHOTS, BASEBALL BATTING AND ANY RECKLESS BEHAVIOR IS NOT TOLERATED AND WILL BE IMMEDIATELY DELT WITH. The Club has a stock of sabers that can be loaned out to individuals who do not own their own saber.



  1.  HAVE FUN!!!

  2. This is SABER TAG not Saber Combat -don’t try to go 110% against somebody.

  3.  If two people declare a 1v1 in a game like deathmatch, no one may interfere other than to observe 

  4.  In order to eliminate somebody that you are battling you must make contact with your saber blade and: The opponents body (from hip to shoulder, front or back) or 3 limbs (arms or legs). Hands do not count (aim for higher than the wrist).


  6.  Know your strength: Sabers are very strong and you will get hurt before they do.

  7.  Stabbing or thrusting motions are off limits during any combat. 

  8. There is “backstabbing” allowed in team-based matches; however, do not stab with your      saber. Make more of a slashing motion to prevent injuries that keep other from enjoying the event.

  9.  Be careful with the sabers. Try not to drop them, especially if it isn’t your saber.

  10. Turn your sabers off when not participating in a match or when you are out of the match to save battery life and not confuse other players.

  11. Ask if you want to use someone else’s saber before picking it up, even if it is a loaner saber.

  12. If an Injury occurs, hold your saber above your head and yell hold. If you see this repeat it in order to get the attention of a club officer for assistance. 

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